MS SQL insert in the middle and reset auto increment
In case you need to insert something in the middle and need to set autoincremented column to some particular values, you can do the following:
Set Identity_Insert [TableName] On -- Turn off identity insert for your Table
Insert TableName (pkCol, [OtherColumns])
Values(pkValue, [OtherValues])
Set Identity_Insert [TableName] Off -- Turn off identity insert for your Table
In case you need to reseed autoincrement in MS SQL, use this:
DBCC CHECKIDENT ([TableName], RESEED, 0) -- you will reseed [TableName] PK to start at 1
If you need to start not from 0 but from different number, you can change last parameter, like this:
DBCC CHECKIDENT ([TableName], RESEED, 123) -- PK will start from 124, change number if necessary