Copy file to local folder from docker container
Check containerId, by runing this command: sudo docker ps In order to copy a file from a container to the local computer, use following command: docker cp :/file_path_inside_container /local_path You can check full path to file inside the container with this command: readlink -f file.ext -
Changing the folder where screenshots placed on Mac
By default all your screenshots are saving on desktop, but you can change this location to any other folder on your Mac. First of all, start the terminal. I personally prefer iTerm, but you can use default one that is installed on every Mac. Choose the folder where you want to place screenshots and enter… -
Create admin user in ubuntu linux
1. Login as super user: sudo su 2. Run the following command: adduser username Don't forget to replace username with the name of user that you want to create. 3. Add the user to the sudo group: usermod -aG sudo username 4. Switch to the new user: su username 5. Check that new user has admin rights:… -
How to generate and copy SSH key in Mac OS
Generate SSH key First of all, open terminal window. I personally use iTerm2. To generate SSH keys , enter the following command in the Terminal window: ssh-keygen -t rsa You will need to answer some questions during ssh key generation process. Left destination as Default, other questions answer as you want. Copy SSH key to…
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