Adding Resharper Code Quality Analysis to TFS/VSTS
To improve code qulaity of your project is't good to check every build with some analyzing tool such as Resharper Code Quality Analysis. Install Resharper Code Quality Analysis Now you have to add additional step to the build definition of your project after build step, like this: Then you need to set "Path to .sln… -
Migrate from tfs to git
First of all download git-tfs from there: http://git-tfs.com Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment variables -> System variables -> Path Add ;C:\TfsMigration\GitTfs-0.25.1 to the end of Path variable. Open Command Prompt as Administrator and exec following commands, don't forget to change commands with your variables: git tfs clone http://myserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection…
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